Never report your spouse to anyone. Your spouse is your best friend and if there is any issue between you, try to settle it amicably. Study your spouse to understand him or her and to know when he or she can listen to you, to your advice, to your suggestion and to your plead when you offend him or her.
We only look at face but we don't know each others mind. We don't know other people's taught toward us, that is why we need to be very careful in reporting our spouse to somebody else. Some people are enemy of progress and when they see your home progressing, they don't like it. Some are not enjoying there home and they want your home to be like theirs. Some people are envy your home and they want theirs to be like your home but not possible for them and when you now report what is happen in your house to them, is as if you are exposing your house to danger.
Some people love what you don't value.Wives, there are some women outside who are ready to send you out of your matrimonial home if care is not taken. Some people don't want your home to be ahead of theirs. When you now report your home to them, which kind of advice do you expect from them? They can destroy your home. If you are in the habit of reporting your spouse, stop it now, it is not good so that both of you can live long together and enjoy your home.
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