Friday, 10 April 2015


God's wisdom can give you happy home. Happy home is a family where love, peace, joy and unity reigns. Before all these can be reign in your family, you need something first which is God. Bible says, All reaches and glory is from God, God has everything in possession, He is the givers of everything and if you ask anything from Him concern your marriage, He will surely do it for you.

When you build the foundation of your marriage on Christ, believe me, God will direct you to the right person that will give you rest of mind in Christ, the presence of God will be dwelling in your home and God's wisdom to live happily with your spouse will be given to you. Some marriages are not enjoyable maybe because they failed to accept wisdom of God to be directing them. That is why bible says "For they failed to accept the knowledge of God in their heart, God leave them for a reprobate mind to be doing what is wrong".

No matter your knowledge, no matter your wisdom and no matter your intelligent, if you did not ask for the wisdom of God to be directing you to build your home, all effort you apply in building you home will just be nothing because you can not do anything with your own wisdom except wisdom of God.Matthew 19:26 “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” To get this wisdom of God to build your home, your have to move closer to God, be prayerful and apply His wisdom in whatever you are doing. When you are been directed by God's wisdom over your marital life, your home will be peaceful.

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