Friday, 3 April 2015


The reasons why most marriage did not continue the way it started are:

Failure to put God first in our marriage: If we put God first, He will direct us in the right way, He will give us the wisdom to handle our home. We can not use our own knowledge to build a happy home. If we failed to ask for the knowledge of God to build a happy home, we will fail in our marriage. Roman 1:28-29 '' And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which is not convenient; Being filled with all unrighteousness, maliciousness: full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backers, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:'' Marriage issue is very complex, full of ups and downs and without God's knowledge nobody can build a happy home. Such person will be doing either of the things mentioned above. At the end, the marriage may have problem.

Lack of true love: Most people did not build the foundation of their marriage on true love and when foundation is faulty, there is nothing one can do. When you did not start your marriage on true love, there is no way it can last. Bible say love your neighbours as yourself, if you love your wife/husband as yourself, you will enjoy your happy home.

Fake covenant: Marriage vow should be a geniue one before the marriage could be stand, when you have a geniue vow to you spouse and you stand by it. Your love will continue stronger but many couples forget the vow immediately after the wedding. 

Lack of marital counseling: Everybody wish to have a happy home but they lack information and knowledge needed to build such a happy home. Information is power, attend marriage seminars and family forum to know more on how to build a successful marriage. Many couples do not know what makes a marriage to stand. Whatever you don't know, there is no way you can do it.

More commitment: Nearly all the relationship started well with love, care, understanding, cherish, hugging, kissing, going out together, putting on the same clothe and with many sweet words like, my dear, my love, my sweetheart, my heart, my life e.t.c. Had it been it continue like that after the marriage and both party take it as responsibility upon themselves. All home would have been settled and everybody would have enjoy his or her marriage. But as our relationship continues forward, “stuff” begins to accumulate and begins to distract us from the very essentials needed for a successful marriage. Suddenly, we worry more about the appraisal value of our home than the value of our relationship. We check the health of our retirement account far more often than the health of our marriage. Or we spend more time taking care of the car in the garage than the other person in our bed. Things begin to accumulate in our homes and lives and soon demand our money, energy, and precious time. As a result, we have little left over for the very elements that keep our marriages successful.

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