Tuesday, 7 April 2015


Some homes are always hot, the husband and wife always fight each other. In their street, they have recognized their house as a fighter house. When they start their fight, you won't believe they are husband and wife. They will expose all their secret matter as if the fight would not end again, and after some hours or the following day, the fight is over. My question is that what of the picture they have place in the mind of people? Are they not ashamed of themselves?

The major reason for the fight between husband and wife at times is lack of understanding, impatience and ignorant. Couple needs to understand each other and be patient with each other. If one is angry, the other must be patient in-order to allow peace to reign in their house.

A testimony from a pastor sometimes ago. He said before he accepted Christ, he used to fight and beat up his wife and he believed he was doing the right thing then. He said when people come to separate them whenever they are fighting, the more he continue stronger and beat up his wife. Until when he accepted Christ that he knew he was doing the wrong thing out of ignorant. It takes God's grace, patience and understanding before a couple can live together happily without fight. When you give your life to Christ  and allow the spirit of God to be dwelling in you and control your life, no matter what your spouse have done wrong to you, the spirit will allow you to have power over anger and over look and forgive your spouse. 

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