Monday, 4 May 2015


Before gold could shine, he must have passed through fire. Any home that will be settled, the husband and wife must ready to sacrificed themselves . Outsider will not come and build your home for you, it is a joint work of both husband and wife through corporation and understanding.

To build a happy home, husband and wife must know some fact about marriage before the could
know what marriage require. If you can both follow the basic principle of marriage, it will be easier for you to build a successful home. Some of these principle are: Bible say '' husband is the head of the house as Christ is the head of the church'' if a woman can respect, honour, care and obey her head, the home would be at peace and enjoyable. Bible also says ''Man should love his wife as Christ loves the church''. As you both come together as husband and wife, you become one flesh. Once it is difficult for someone to use pin to pitch him or herself, it should also be difficult for you to hurt or wound your spouse heart.

An adage says ''behind a successful man there must be a woman''  if your husband is strongly to make the family progress, you as a wife must give him full support. if your wife is also strongly to build a happy home, husband must give her full support because a tree can not make a forest, one person can not do it alone. In building a happy home, husband has his own role to play and wife has her own role to play. Failure of both of them or either of them to perform their role may cause the family a great lost.

The most funniest thing is that some people like when they see other family with happy home and they wish to build happy home too but very difficult for them to build. When you see somebody with happy home, move closer to him or her so that you can gain knowledge on how to build you own home

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