Monday, 4 May 2015

Eight ways you can build your children for future in terms of domestic chores

Like they say '' charity begins at home''. if you failed to give your children the lesson they should learn, that means you are not preparing them for the challenges they are likely to face in future when they get married most especially the female ones. Domestic chores is necessity for all children to
know how to do and master them.Many children find it difficult to do domestic chores especially children from a wealthy home. All parents must have a family plan for everyday household tasks and you’ll teach your kids a great life lesson. Chores help kids learn responsibility, and sharing chores gives you help around the house.

All the member of the family need to be responsible and contribute to the daily activities.We all need to feel needed and to know that we're making a contribution -- even kids. "But they can't feel that way if they don't have chores and make contributions to the family," These are the various ways to prepare your children for future and make chores a little bit, well, less of a chore for everyone.

Ease into chores for children: First, show them how to do the chore step by step. Next, let your child help you do it. Then have your child do the chore as you supervise. Once your child has it mastered, she's ready to go solo.

Don't insist on perfection: No one is perfect, and it's better to have a more relaxed approach to how well your kids do their chores. Otherwise, you might have a struggle on your hands. Or you might jump in and do it for them, which would undermine the whole point.
Don't delay: You might think your child is too young. But your kids may be more capable than you think. Kids can do a lot of chores at an early stage. For example, getting clothes to the laundry or cleaning up after dinner. "We hold back too long because we think they ought to be ready first. But that puts the cart before the horse,". That is, they'll learn by doing.
Don't be stingy with praise: Get that praise going right away! Don't wait until the chore is done. Praise and encourage the child while the chore is in progress. You want to build positive momentum, especially with young kids.

Don't be inconsistent: If your kids aren't expected to regularly follow through, they might start putting chores off in the hope that someone else will do them for them.

Make a Chores Chart: First, check that everyone has an age-appropriate chore. Then divide the chart into three columns. One is for the list of chores and whose chore it is; another is for deadlines; the last one is for making a check mark when the chore is done. Put the chart where everyone can see it and let everyone follow through on their own assignments.

    Allowance for Chores: Should  your child get an allowance for chores? Usually not, say most parenting experts.Chores are partly about responsibility and partly about learning household tasks. They're not focused on earning money. Yes, kids need to learn how to handle money, but not by doing chores they're supposed to do anyway. It's especially important to not tie allowances to chores for younger kids, . That's because a younger child may be less motivated by money and simply choose to not do them. There's an exception: For older kids who already know how to be responsible, money can become a nice motivator for doing extra chores above and beyond their usual tasks.

    Go easy with reminders and deadlines. You want the chore to get done without you micromanaging it. Apply "when/then" technique. For example, say, "When you wash the plate, then you may have your dinner."

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