Monday, 21 December 2015

7 Irresistible Qualities Of Men That Attract Women


These are going to be seven of the most irresistible qualities that women LOVE in men. Let’s begin:

1. Humor

Truth of life – funny guys are the most popular amongst girls. Who doesn’t like a guy who can lighten up the mood a little? If you can make her laugh, know you’ve won half the battle. But the trick is to not try too hard. Girls love men who are effortlessly funny, who can make people laugh at the nastiest of jokes without coming across as insensitive pricks, and more importantly, those who can laugh at themselves as easily they do at others.

Blame it on the female hormones, but every once in a while, ladies tend to get sad and gloomy. A guy with a good sense of humor not only makes her forget her woes but also makes her laugh. A good laugh is all what a woman wants and that too coming from her guy, will surely be icing on the cake. A strong sense of humor is one of the top qualities women want in men.

2. Emotional Security

Women want their space as much as men do. The moment they sense men getting possessive, they begin to grow distant. A man who’s happy within himself, someone who doesn’t need constant attention, someone who can go on a day without talking on the phone thrice, someone who won’t lose his mind the one time she goes out partying with her best friends and gets drunk, someone who has a life beyond the relationship is what women desire. Nobody wants a partner who clings on to them and ties them down.

3. Intelligence

Intelligence is a turn on. Trust me, dumb men are the biggest turn offs. Women are extremely captivated by men who always have something substantial to contribute to conversations. It is always interesting to listen to a man talk of his experiences in all the countries, cities and towns he has been to and all that he saw there. It’s true; you can never run out of interesting conversations with intelligent people. And, that’s precisely why girls dig intelligent men.

4. Having a Passion

Women absolutely swoon over men who have a purpose in life – something they really, really love doing. It shows there’s something to look forward to in your life, it shows that you’re crazy about something and that passion is infectious. It makes them want to be around you more and more and just admire your zest and zeal in life.

5. Confidence

As clichéd as it may sound, a confident man really makes women go weak in the knees. There’s something they find very attractive about a man who’s certain and unapologetic about who he is and what he wants. Indecisiveness and self-doubt are best kept out of her radar. A woman would always prefer a man who has the courage to walk up to her and tell her he’s interested, than a boy who’s too scared to even look her in the eyes.

6. Chivalry

If you think good conducts are for wimps then let me tell you, it only makes women feel exceptional and special when guys go that extra mile. No, no, you don’t have to appoint goons and do the rescue act to impress her, even little gestures like reaching for her hand to help her out of the car, holding doors and offering being a helping hand in her things, work like magic.

7. Honesty and loyalty

The quality of qualities women want in men is honesty. No, that doesn’t mean to be cruelly honest and point at her extra fats. Instead, convey your truest feelings in a way that is not too harsh yet she understands your point and appreciates your concern. Trust me, she’ll adore you more. Moreover, do NOT lie to her. That will only increase her insecurity and you’ll have to pay a very hefty price for your mistake. Remember what our parents taught us, “Honesty is the best policy” and yes, it works here too!

Every woman wants her man to be sincere and loyal. It’s a big offence for her if the guy she is dating hits on other females. So whenever you are out on a date with her, commit to her completely (that really doesn’t require much effort) and get involved in ‘only you and me’ moment without bouncing your eyeballs here and there. Trust me, that just makes women want to gouge your eyeballs out. Be a good listener, pay attention to what she’s saying and by your act ensure that she’s the only girl that you really care about.

Talk to me

Ladies, do you agree with these qualities? Do you have anything else that’s an exceptional quality for you? Let me know in the comments below. And as always, stay blessed and keep the love alive!

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